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  • Writer's pictureBianca

Navigating the PCOS Diet: Why Intermittent Fasting Might Not Be Your Best Friend

Updated: Jun 24, 2023

Living with PCOS can be challenging, and finding the right diet plan to manage your symptoms is crucial. Recently, intermittent fasting has gained popularity as a weight loss strategy, but is it suitable for women of reproductive age dealing with PCOS? Let's dive into the topic and explore why intermittent fasting might not be the best approach for us, backed by studies and data.

Understanding PCOS and Our Hormonal Rollercoaster

Hey, PCOS warriors! PCOS is like a carnival ride for hormones. It messes with their balance, causing irregular periods, difficulty conceiving, and weight gain. So, keeping hormones in check is essential for managing PCOS and feeling our best.

pcos diet breakfast spread

Why Everyone Is Talking About Intermittent Fasting

You've probably heard about intermittent fasting—people say it's a game-changer for weight loss and overall health. The idea is to limit our eating to specific time windows, which is believed to promote fat burning and boost insulin sensitivity. Sounds promising, right? Well, for PCOS warriors, things might be a bit different.

Hormonal Imbalances and the Fasting Dilemma

Here's the catch: intermittent fasting could potentially mess with hormone balance even more. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that women with PCOS who practiced intermittent fasting experienced increased levels of cortisol, a stress hormone. And let's face it, we don't need any extra stress in our lives!

The Fasting Effect on Our Monthly Visitor

Regular periods are like unicorns for many with PCOS. They're elusive, and you'd love to have them back in our lives. But here's the thing: intermittent fasting might disrupt our menstrual regularity even more. A study published in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada showed that fasting could lead to irregular periods and interfere with ovulation. Not the kind of interference we need when trying to conceive or regulate hormones.

Insulin Resistance and the Fasting Paradox

Insulin resistance is a common challenge for PCOS warriors. While intermittent fasting might seem like a potential solution for improving insulin sensitivity, the reality might be different. A study from the University of Adelaide found that fasting actually increased insulin resistance in women with PCOS. Yikes! That's not the outcome we were hoping for.

Embracing a Balanced PCOS Diet Plan

Okay, so intermittent fasting might not be our magical solution. But fear not! We can still find success with a balanced PCOS diet plan that feels right for us. It's all about nourishing our bodies with wholesome foods and considering our individual needs and preferences.

Say hello to lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and an abundance of fruits and vegetables. These nutrient-dense choices can help regulate our insulin levels and promote hormone balance. Plus, who doesn't love a colorful plate of deliciousness?

Finding What Works for You

Remember, we're all unique individuals with different bodies and experiences. While studies have shed light on the potential drawbacks of intermittent fasting for PCOS, it's essential to listen to your body and consult with healthcare professionals who understand PCOS.

pcos diet chia kefir drink

Snacking Before Bed: A PCOS Diet Tip for Hormone Regulation

Discover the power of bedtime snacks in your PCOS diet and hormone regulation journey. While it may seem counterintuitive, having a healthy snack before bed can work wonders for stabilizing blood sugar levels and promoting better hormone balance. Embrace this simple strategy to support your body's needs and wake up feeling refreshed and in control of your PCOS symptoms. Say goodbye to late-night cravings and hello to a more balanced approach to snacking with PCOS.

Lime Kefir Bedtime Chia Drink

1/2 cup lime lemongrass kombucha (use one with 1-5 grams of sugar NO MORE)

1/2 cup kefir

1 tbsp chia seed

1 tsp vanilla extract

ice to serve

Combine all the ingredients, except the ice, in a glass and allow the chia to bloom for 5 minutes; add ice and enjoy.

NOTE: drink this 30-45mins before bed and you'll sleep straight through the night!

Hey, beautiful PCOS warriors, let's approach the diet game with caution. While intermittent fasting has its benefits for some, it might not be the best fit for women of reproductive age managing PCOS. The focus should be on a balanced PCOS diet plan, embracing wholesome foods that nourish our bodies and support hormone regulation. Let's continue to explore, experiment, and find what truly works for each of us on this PCOS journey. You've got this!

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